Bone Thugs Harmony Songs
Full list of Bone Thugs n Harmony songs, sorted alphabetically by name. You can also sort the list of songs by year recorded (from oldest to newest, and from most recent to first recorded), by Song Rank (popularity rank of song versus all other songs) and by album name. [To sort the list - you need to change the Display from 'List' to 'Table']. Bone Thugs-N-Harmony discography and songs: Music profile for Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, formed 1993. Genres: Gangsta Rap, Hip Hop, G-Funk. Albums include Life After Death, Trap Lord, and E. 1999 Eternal. Bone Thugs-N-Harmony are a hip-hop group from Cleveland, Ohio formed in 1991. It originally consisted of two siblings, their half-brother, their cousin and a lifelong friend who all took on the.
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Biography Bone Thugs-n-Harmony is a hip hop music group, formed in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S., in 1991. It consists of rappers Krayzie Bone, Layzie Bone, Wish Bone, Bizzy Bone & Flesh-n-Bone. Rapper Eazy-E of the group N.W.A signed Bone Thugs-n-Harmony to Ruthless Records in 1994, when Bone Thugs debuted with EP Creepin on ah Come Up. Good kid maad city song list. That EP included the hit single 'Thuggish Ruggish Bone.'
Bone Thugs-n-harmony Songs Listbone Thugs-n-harmony Songs
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Bone Thugs-n-harmony Songs Download
In 1995, the group released its second album, E. 1999 Eternal, which included hits '1st of tha Month' and 'Tha Crossroads.'